Picton Gazette

Here are 10 things anyone can to do to help the Picton library branch expansion proceed…

1. Keep your library book one day late so that you can pay a non-mandatory fine. Yes, that is correct you can now, if you wish, pay a fine!

2. Attend one of our many programs and put some change in our donations jar. Have some fun or learn something new and lighten your wallet!

3. Tell you friends about our programs and bring them along with their friends. They all can partake of our novel pocket/wallet lightening program.

4. If you are a business and would like one of our library-shaped collection jars call 476-5962 and we will deliver one to you and return to empty it periodically.

5. Put that sewing machine that you haven’t used in years and you forget how to thread on Kijiji and donate the proceeds.

6. Plan a yard sale this spring and advertise it “all proceeds to the Picton Library Expansion Project.” You will have storage space again and all of your neighbours will admire your civic minded and generous spirit instead of complaining about car doors slamming so early on Saturday morning.

7. If you use the children’s room of the library and want to help to expand it ask your parents to hold back some of your allowance so you can contribute. I bet they will be so impressed that you will get a raise!

8. On your birthday ask your friends and family to donate in your name to the building fund – you will get a plaque on the wall and a tax receipt.

9. Contribute your fundraising ideas – tell us what you have heard about that works. Better yet, volunteer to join our fundraising committee.

10a. Share your musical talent in front of the library this year and busk for our building fund.

10b. Share a skill that you have and run a class at the library. If you know how to play cribbage, bring your board, teach a few people and ask for a donation in exchange.

If you can spare a little time or a little money you can help. The fundraising campaign for the Picton expansion promises to deliver a lot of fun and enjoyment and to double the library space. The library is an institution that is open to everyone in the community. Our resources are for the benefit and pleasure of all who use us. In one year if you read two books a week and those hardcover books cost on average $35 you have saved $3,640. If your Internet is very slow and you always bring your GPS to the library to update – I am not sure how much that saves you – but you get the job done in jig time. If you enjoy reading the occasional magazine, but don’t always have the time, you can borrow from the library and if it is not enjoyed cover to cover you don’t need to feel guilty.

If the library helps you, saves you some money, or provides you with entertainment we hope you will consider donating to our building fund. To help take a suggestion from above or visit timetorenew.ca to find out how you can help. Whether you are able to donate or not — your patronage is always a gift to us.

-Barbara Sweet