You are now connected to the Picton Branch Library WiFi.

WiFi is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. As there are no passwords, the wireless network should not be considered secure. Unless additional precautions are taken (e.g. firewall/antivirus) any information you send to/from your personal device could potentially be read and redistributed by a third party.

  • Patrons should not interfere with computer or network equipment belonging to the Library and should not unplug Library equipment in order to use network cables or personal devices.
  • The Library assumes no responsibility for damage caused to personal devices because of security issues, power failure, malware or viruses. Security protection is the responsibility of the user. The Library assumes no responsibility for the theft or loss of laptops, devices or personal belongings.

The public library has in place a policy that addresses criteria for public access to library computers and concise terms of use which clearly define the rules and regulations for the use of all library technological equipment.